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November 2011

Lil Man Me NaBloPoMo Parenting

To Bare or Not To Bare

I’ll cut to the chase. I’m a nudist. I don’t like clothes or shoes. Now that I put that out there.

My son is now six and my husband thinks its high time I put some clothes on around the house. Disclaimer: I don’t do it when others are around. Just thought I would put that out there.

I do agree that I need to cover up but I don’t think there is anything wrong with the human body. Yet I would freak out if Lil Mama saw the Mr. bucked naked * that was in my Bernie Mac voice* Not familiar? here you go. FYI there is cursing and profanity in this clip. You have been warned! You can stop it after 0:16 or watch the whole thing for some flash back giggles. I digress.


My mom and aunts walked nude around me so its second nature but I do have to remember that I have a son and it just might not be the best thing. I have started to cover up, but when he streaked across the house while my niece was here I think I may be a day late with this epiphany. I’m just curious. What’s your take on nudity around your child(ren)?

Me NaBloPoMo

The Takeover

I know I was supposed to post pics from my trip today but for some reason my computer is acting funny and I am not in the mood to fight with it. Tomorrow, or some day after I will post them.

I was stretching for something to write about. This blog challenge is getting just that…challenging. Then I thought about something that perturbed me and thought I would bring it to you my extended family.

So look. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I run with a few women early in the morning as in 5a. Initially there was only three of us. We had our route, we opened the group for others to join us. Weeeelllllll, this lady joined the group and practically took over. We are a part of a bigger organization called Black Girls Run and she just took over posting about others joining the run, she changed the route, time and everything. No credit given to the lady who was the originator of the route.

Now.  I am thinking protocol would say consult with the person who initially started the run to see if they were willing to hand over the reigns, if not work with them to see if they need your assistance. Otherwise, go somewhere else and start your own run…at least that’s my opinion.

Needless to say I haven’t ran with the group since this coup took over. I am really funny about stuff like that. I just think its a respect and common courtesy issue. I don’t know. These are some of the reasons why I don’t get involved in church activities and things of the like. Some people have that take over spirit and it just doesn’t settle well with me. God is still working on me so I’ve decided to fall back and be quiet.

Bloggies…am I being silly. Is it just that this lady is on a hundred thousand trillion while I’m chilling on the beach with a Corona that I don’t get the thirst she has in taking over this run. What do you think? I said I am going to run in the morning, but I’m just not sure I can properly edit my thoughts at that hour of the morning if something out of the way is said. I might be stretching..seriously. Am I? Don’t lie.