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Family Fashion Lil Mama

Weekend Wrap Up

This past weekend was rather busy. Friday night, Lil Mama and I spent the night at my bestie’s house to help her get things in order for my godson’s 2nd birthday party, which was carnival themed. It was the cutest party ever…See




Lil Mama enjoying one of the carnival themed games


...and when she was done, decided to take it with her



After the party was over, my SIL was also celebrating her birthday. My inlaws, another couple and the Mr. and I hit the town to help her party. We had dinner at Brio and then headed out to a local lounge to enjoy some dancing, drinks and music. If you follow me on Twitter you know I had a great time as evidenced by my tweets



..aaaand Here.!/glossymimi/status/130500504806637568

Fun times had by all. I am linking up with Monday Mingle with Glamamom. I wore:

IMG_8566Sweater: Thrifted (Goodwill) Jeans & Belt: Papaya (teeny bopper store $6.99) Shoes: Steve Madden (Ross $29.99)


My booties up close and personal..I love Ross

How was your weekend?



I tell ya, this summer has me all off schedule. I love blogging and for the life of me I just can’t find the time to do it. I suppose being in charge of three children, all day along with GlossyPIX taking off, I just have to squeeze it in when I can. One more month and hopefully everything will return back to normal ’round these parts.  

Lil Man is back from Vegas and the house has noticed because the chatter level in here has gone through the roof. Lawd, my baby can talk. He had a great time. My dad took him to the San Diego zoo, Hover Dam, and the Grand Canyon. They were all over the place. I am so thankful that he is getting the whole grandparent experience. Unfortunately I didn’t have that luxury and it was something that I always wish I had. I am totally grateful for him to get the opportunity to build that relationship with my dad and stepmom.  

This past weekend was my husband’s family reunion. We had company in town for nearly a week. They left on Tuesday and I have spent the latter part of the week getting the house back to normal…whatever that is.  

We had a ball. On Friday night was the banquet and Saturday we spend the entire day at Stone Mountain Park taking in the attractions and closed out the evening with the laser light show. Pros: Spending time with the family and the food  Cons: Getting stuck at the top of the mountain due to a lightening storm without a stroller. My SIL and I took 5 kids up there and we had to wait about an hour before they were able to bring us back down. NEVER AGAIN…at least I can say I made it up there.  


Family Picture...excuse Addison



You see my girl..Coolin' catchin a ride


Wednesday night Mama stepped out with the girls for a PR event promoting Hypnotiq’s new liquor. The event was ultra fab and took place on the rooftop of the W. They even had spa services I got thee best hand massage and a manicure. As an extra bonus it was also a book signing for Candace Bushnell’s new book “Summer in the City”. For those not familiar she is the author of “Sex and the City”. She was extremely down to earth and funny…not too mention she probably had a cup or five of that Hypnotiq but who’s counting?! I didn’t really get too many photos of the event, because I was enjoying the Hypnotiq myself. Shhhhhhhh, don’t tell nobody!  


My Soul Sister Kelli and I



Candace, Kelli and I






Have a safe 4th. Remember that race I’ve been training for..Yeah, on Monday *in my Kevin Hart voice* Its. about. to. go. down! I’m a little scared. I’ll make sure to blog all of the deets next week.  


Family Mompreneur

*Comes Out of Hiding*

I took a mini hiatus last week. Did ya miss me?

Last week I took a trial run at planning out my week, and trying to make quality time for family, blogging, entrepreneurial tasks and just plan out me time. In an effort to make sure the Mr. and my children are getting the time they need from me, I will not be on the computer from the hours of 3p-8p and the computer will be shut off at 11:30p daily. It’s going to be hard, but it must be done. With that new adjustment to my daily schedule, its no mystery that two things found themselves out of the loop and on the doorstep. Yep, you guessed right, blogging and “Me” time got straight dissed. This week, I am trying the same schedule but seeing that I don’t have 3 weeks of laundry to wash and fold, blogging is now back in my life.

Yes! Three weeks of laundry. I’m not really sure how that happened. I tried to stay on top of it but….I was just washing the whites and hoping no one needed anything colored but the inevitable had to be done. Took me ALL week to get it under control.Other than laundry, I really began putting in time daily on my business and started the ball rolling on a few new things.  I am pleased with my progress…now if I can just keep it up.

 Race training is going well. I have been using the Couch to 5K app on my phone and even though I am on week 2 I see progress already. I have gotten an extra kick in the A&% to get out there, my blood pressure was 141/101 Saturday. *sigh*

I have gotten quite a number of new followers over the past few weeks. A warm HELLO, hugs and air smooches to you. Please don’t be a stranger!

For all of you with blogs, I will get around to reading and commenting eventually..Blame it on the laundry for my tardiness and lack of blog etiquette.

Last but most important, Audrey over at The Chronicles of a Future Wife is hosting a giveaway for a Divinitee shirt. Head over to her blog for the deets and enter to win. Thanks for your support.

See you tomorrow!

Family Weekend

Is it Monday Already?

*Its Monday, I’m blogging over at Mami 2 Mommy today. Head over and check out the post*


How was your weekend? We didn’t do much of anything. Can you believe I didn’t get out and shake my groove thang to end off my birthday week? Well the weather here was less than fab, cold and rainy to be exact. Hard to rock that short dress when it is fuh-reezing outside. Because I am who I am, I am extending my birthday weekend celebration until next Saturday when I can pull out the hot mama dress!

The weekend was spent hanging out with the family. Saturday morning we headed out to my nephew’s kiddie basketball tournament. It never ceases to amaze me how into these games the parents get.  When little man played football this is about as into it as I got.


No yelling at referees or running on the field. This is supposed to be fun for the kids, not some outlet for parents to let off aggression. Hmph, maybe I’m still a newbie to this whole team mom thing. I’ll let you know how Spring football goes.

After the game, I cleaned out my closet and donated a ton of items to a local clothing drive. It makes my heart smile to donate, and to think alot of what I gave had only been worn once or twice. I was surprised at how hard it was for me to let some of that stuff go. Seriously, I had to set a rule, if I hadn’t worn it in 6 months it needed to go. Typical, I was all attached to stuff I hadn’t worn in forever. Got over myself and put all of it in a bag and rushed it down there as soon as I could. The aftermath…my closet is empty. Goes to show I only wear the same things over and over again. I am sure those things will be put to better use than hanging in my closet. So if you see me wearing the same things in pictures on the blog give me a pass okay.

The remainder of the weekend was low key. I got a bit of rest, and the Mr. helped me deep clean the house so I am starting off the week with a clean slate. I am optimistic about attacking my to do list and getting things accomplished this week with the business.

What did you do this weekend? Big plans for the coming week?