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Children Lil Mama Lil Man My Babies Parenting

Happy Monday!!

Hey there. Hope all is well.

First things first. I must announce the winner for the UK Style giveaway. Thank you to everyone who participated. *drum roll* The winner is…….

True Random Number Generator

13 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

13 translates into: Prototype Mama! This Fab Mama said she would rock her dress out to her best friends birthday bash! Congrats!!

In other news:

The summer is wrapping up for us and I am looking forward to everything going back to normal. School here starts on August 1, so I am in the process of getting Lil Man ready for Kindergarten *sniffles*  I can’t believe it. He is really pressing the issue about riding the school bus and I’m just not sure. Furthermore I’m stressing because I want to pack him lunches and send him with a lunchbox and smiley face notes. His dad says that’s lame. Is it?

Lil Mama left on Saturday morning to spend some time with her godmother in Fl. I miss her, but I was becoming a little unraveled. I needed a few days to myself. She’ll be back tomorrow. I will be refreshed by then.  Lil Mama is growing so fast, and has turned into quite the bully. Slapping and biting are her weapons of choice.

Well, after completing the 10K I have decided in an effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle I am going to start training for a half marathon. YES 13.1 miles. Me. <–. The plan is to do two. One in Savannah in November and the Disney Princess in February. I’m going to really keep track of my progress on the blog through a new app I found for my know accountability. With you all watching me, I will feel like a failure if I slack off and don’t go through with it. Don’t let me fall off. Okay?

I haven’t been taking as many photos as I would like trying to keep peace in the house with the kids. I did order some business cards from this site called Moo. If you need cards you have to go there. The quality is awesome and they are very reasonable.

Welp, that’s enough of my ramblings. How was your weekend?

Me Parenting

Mommy Balance

Becoming a mother by far has been THEE most intimidating and daunting task in my life yet. When I had my son, I threw myself wholeheartedly into motherhood and quickly found myself in a bad space. Prior to having children I travelled, I shopped, I was an all around fun person. Wherever the party was, I was there. So to go from being an outgoing person to a home ridden young mother I was miserable.

I quickly found that it was not necessary to forego “me” to be a mom. With the birth of my daughter I was determined not to fall in that rut again. As hard as it has been I have been making an effort to make sure I get out as often as I can to enjoy some of the things that I did before I had children.

Recently, I have noticed that some people have thrown themselves into motherhood, to the point that every discussion they have or tweet or blog about is their children, breastfeeding, poop, etc. I have nothing against that, we all have our own purpose in life, but it has caused me to think that maybe I am selfish. I mean when I became a mother I knew that was a huge undertaking that would involve giving of myself unconditionally and maybe I am supposed to obsess about parenting and such…or maybe not.

I had a conversation with a good friend of mine and we discussed whether some mothers really enjoy motherhood as much as they proclaim. I am starting to think that some women are groomed to be mothers and they find worthiness in keeping house. But I have come to realize that won’t work for me. I’ve even beat myself up in the process but in the end, its settled… I must have balance. Even if its only a girls night out once a month or conversations regarding nail polish, the fall fashions or the latest song on the radio. I need those interactions. They complete me. They make me feel good.

I didn’t realize how much so until last week when I got together with a couple of women I totally adore and we had a nail polish party. We drank wine, ate cake pops and laughed. It felt good. This past weekend I joined a couple of friends for dinner at a new restaurant here in the city. Again, I felt alive.

My question to you…Is it really possible to love motherhood so much that you no longer care about or even try to do the things that once made you happy or is it all a facade? Do you think its really important to try to find that balance in your life…does it matter?

Lil Mama Lil Man My Babies Parenting

How ‘Bout a Slice of Grateful Pie

As a child I wasn’t privy to wearing name brands. My mom raised me as a single mother and while my father was there for me financially and physically, my mother still struggled at times to make ends meet. Only way I got something name brand was if it was on sale or it was given to me as a gift. Once I hit high school I was given the good ‘ole if you want it then you need to buy it talk. Once I started working I never looked back.

Now as a responsible adult, I will.NOT break the bank for name brands any longer but if I find nice things on sale I will purchase them. I am guilty of purchasing a large amount of Polo for Lil Man. I get the shirts from Marshall’s or the Polo outlet. I have my preference and I love little boys in Polo so I buy it, when I can. Weelllll somewhere along the IMG_5691way Lil Man got it twisted and started to think it’s his RIGHT to wear Ralph Lauren. The other day I picked up some shirts for him, brought them home and gave them to him. Do you know he looked at me with the straight face and told me he couldn’t wear them because there wasn’t a Polo man on it. WHAAAAA? Then I had to have that let me tell you one thing talk with him. You know the talk, the one that as you verbally speak out loud, in your head you are repeating to yourself D*&% I sound like my mother. 

Later on I started thinking. He has never really known what its like to want something and not be able to get it, or be made fun of because he doesn’t wear the popular sneakers. We haven’t intentionally created this environment for him, at least I don’t think. As parents I think we have maybe given him too much and now in an effort to raise a well rounded and grateful child it may be time to start pulling back and instead start teaching him lessons that he is indeed blessed to have the things that he does and those things are not necessities but extras. 

I guess I assumed that he would know but how would he if we don’t teach him. I guess it all comes with the curse of wanting our children to have more than we ever had but that comes at a cost. The cost that if we don’t take the time out to explain to them those things come with hard work and dedication we could easily raise a spoiled brat who feels entitled to the finer things in life..not gonna happen.  

Note taken, lesson learned.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, remember the post here about him talking back. Well he has gotten worse. I blogged that rant over at Mami 2 Mommy on Monday. Go read, and give your girl some feedback. Between Lil Mama standing up and Lil Man running off at the mouth, I am worn OWT! Somebody buy me a “drank” puhlease!


Get a Clue

I was watching the news the other day and could do nothing other than shake my head at a story regarding a young lady who led the police on a high speed chase because she was going to be late for her internship. Are you kidding me. According to the report, the police officer was attempting to pull her over for driving alone in the HOV lane. For those not familiar, HOV stands for High Occupancy Vehicle and are reserved at all times for vehicles transporting two or more passengers.

This chick crosses SIX lanes of traffic and nearly side swipes another vehicle that had been pulled over by another officer. She finally exited the interstate and when she was finally stopped, started crying and pleaded her case to the officer that she was trying to get to her internsip on time. Enough, I can’t. This is sheer stupidity, she could have injured or even killed someone. I’m just not sure who is to blame here, her or her parents.

So after listening to that foolishness, I started thinking about the show on VH1 called “You’re Cut Off.” Anybody seen it? Clueless, this show highlights young women who have been pampered all of their lives and all of a sudden their caregivers have become tired of their obnoxious ways and are “cutting” them off.  In an effort to provide them with the life skills necessary for them to fly the coop, each week they are presented with a challenge. If they complete the challenge they pass for the week, if not they fail. Boy, I tell ya some of the things that come out of these girls mouths, literally have me dropping mine.

As a parent, I am always worried that I will protect my children too much from the things of the outside world that they need to be familiar with in order to survive. There is truly a thin line between pampering your children and crippling them to the realities of the real world. I understand some parents want their children to have what they didn’t, myself included but there needs to be a limit. Its a shame that people think they are above the law or better than others because of their financial status. One things is for sure, if they live long enough, they will undoubtedly learn that life can and will spank that boo-tay. Too bad some people don’t realize until they are getting their mug shot done. How unfabulous.

The Intern

How do you feel? When is enough, enough when it comes to spoiling and pampering children. Should expected things likes good grades, and behavior be rewarded?