
Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day can be such a tricky day. There are just so many scenarios to be joyful and sad for.

As I celebrate my 6th Mother’s Day without my own mother, I woke this morning with tears in my eyes but reflecting on the lifelong journey that my mother has set me on. Being a mother is the most difficult yet rewarding path that she set me on even though back in the day I was sure it was the AP classes she made me take, and the day she left me at college sitting in a dorm room all alone.

Scarlett Mommy & Belly 4_25_10-114

As I come in contact with women daily who don’t have children of their own but constantly look after and mother children that are not biologically theirs I see that motherhood indeed has nothing to do with birthing your own children but everything to do with a kind, loving and sacrificial heart.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you who are mothering, whether it be in our communities, classrooms, and homes. You are appreciated. To those who have lost, are trying and have given up, Mother’s Day wishes to you as well. It takes a village and a special person to want to undertake the enormous responsibilities involved in raising productive children that later become responsible adults. You all have my love.

I created a little Flipagram of my motherhood journey for fun. Looking at these pictures reminded me that I am only 8 years in but becoming a mother has certainly been my greatest accomplishment two times over!


  • Reply
    May 11, 2014 at 11:49 am

    Today is a mix of emotions for a lot of people. I have a friend who just lost her mother last month and I can only imagine the pain she is feeling with all of the post and reminders. My heart hurts for everyone who is missing someone today. Lord, don’t mind me, I’ve been in my emotions all morning. I hope you get taken care of today! Hopefully a spa day is in your near future! Love the photos!!!!

  • Reply
    May 11, 2014 at 12:59 pm

    Happy Mothers day to you. This is the first mothers day I don’t feel down and out since my mothers passing I think it’s the fact that I was so busy taking photos of other families and hearing stories and realizing that I was blessed with the best.

  • Reply
    May 12, 2014 at 8:54 am

    Happy Mother’s Day!

  • Reply
    Mrs. Delightful
    May 12, 2014 at 2:22 pm

    Happy Mother’s Day Mimi

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