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Fab Top Five

Living Marriage

{ The Fabulous 5 } Top 5 Date Night In Ideas

Date nights are so necessary yet so elusive…for us at least. As much as we need to take the time to reconnect and enjoy one another without the kids, sometimes all of the pieces like a babysitter and something fun and cost effective doesn’t  always line up. To be completely honest, at times all of the cards line up but I’m just so tired that the idea of getting dressed up and leaving the house leaves me feeling like date night isn’t all that important…I know.

My husband and I vowed that in the new year at least once a month we would put our technology down and give one another our undivided attention for at least one evening a month. Here are 5 date night in ideas for those nights when the babysitter dips out on you or you just want to cuddle at home.

Lil Mama Milestones My Babies

Five Fabulous Months!

You turned five months on October 12. At your four month doctors appointment you weighed 13lbs. 8oz. and you don’t return to the Dr. until you are six months.During this month you got your ears pierced, tasted a little cereal for the first time. You are still breastfed and are NOT sleeping through the night on a consistent basis. When nursing you like to grab my lips or swing your little arms and hit me in the face. You are smiling and laughing alot. You still cannot sit up by yourself, although you are trying. You blow a ton of spit bubbles and can wet up a bib and shirt like nobody’s business. You are now rolling over big time, and we can’t take our eyes off of you for one second, lest you hit the floor.
You can surely turn into a Diva at a moments notice..just like your mama!!
You are reaching for everything and refuse to stay in the swing or your bouncy seat.
You and your brother are interacting more, and it warms my heart
We don’t particularly like for you to fall asleep in this thing, but you seem to like it more than the bed
When sleeping in the bed most of the time your little butt butt is in the air and other times…
you find it hard to keep your little hands and feet inside
You found your toes and….
it is not uncommon for your bib to turn into a cape
You are the princess of this house and are waited on hand and foot. Thus this photo of you in chill mode enjoying one of your favorite past times…sucking on your socks.

blogging every day in november

November 2010, just three months into building and making this virtual space a home I decided to crack my knuckles, wriggle my typing fingers and stand proudly at the starting line of NaBloPoMo also known as National Blog Posting Month.  For those not familiar, the month of November is a time for bloggers to join in the challenge, make new friends and blog about whatever they want  EVERY.DAY, as in weekends included throughout the month of November. Succeed and you win prizes.

Writing challenges exist throughout the year but only in November are there no prompts to follow. Prompts are there in the event someone wants to use them but generally it is a free for all when it comes to generating content. The goal of this challenge is to really stretch bloggers and writers to make time to put out great content, and push through.  In an effort to be successful at this I have planned nothing but I think I got it this year.

I go through a revolving door of emotions when it comes to blogging. There are times when I miss the uncrowded space that was full of genuine blogging and intent. I also stand behind my bloggers that only put out sponsored content because you know families and homes need money to thrive. Then I feel the need to continue to just be me in this space with minimal sponsored content and fill this space with more of what interests me and stay away from what has become mainstream blogging.

Hopefully over the next month, I’ll find a way to really continue to let this space be what it was intended to be while generating a few coins, making new friends, and forcing myself to pick up my camera and write from the heart about my life over the next month.

Sound easy enough? Is not. I have put my best intentions forward with this every year since 2010 and I think I have completed it just one time or never.

Blogging if done right will build communities. One of my communities, the Fab Top Five has decided we are going to keep each other encouraged, so I will be encouraging you to go take a peek at what they are posting for the month as well!

Kita – Kokoa Mag | Bernetta – Bernetta Style | MJ – Fab Haute Mama | Lashawn – Everyday Eyecandy

Here’s to 2015 and success?I can’t remember which year I finished, or if I ever did but if you want to go take a peek here is Novermber: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

See you tomorrow!



Vlog Weekend

{Weekend Vlog} Teaching. Serving. Girls Night In.

I think moving forward I am going to set the expectation that you should expect to see the weekend vlogs posted on Tuesdays moving forward. Editing and uploading is such a task that I think I will be better off telling you that I will post these on Tuesdays. Okay?

This weekend I again seemed to have spent a great deal of time in my car, speaking of…anyone noticed the gas prices creeping on a come up :-(. I managed to teach a class room full of 4 year olds, serve in the community and have a great time with the Fab Top Five.