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Family My Babies NaBloPoMo Parenting


Lil Mama is in Florida spending a few days with her godmother, and while she is away I have decided to take  these days to hug on Lil Man a little tighter and give him some quality one on one time with the Mr. and I. As him and I lay in the bed watching Nick Jr. or Noggin in some places the “Family” song came on and while him and I were singing along, I really paid attention to the words. Family isn’t just relatives its whoever is in your heart…I love this!! I’m so glad you’re my {cyber} family!

Me NaBloPoMo

T.G.I.F. Hodge Podge

First line of business, the winner of the Candy Cake Company giveaway is K.Rock over at Don’t Get Excited….It’s Just Me. Congrats K. Rock!

Sooo…real fab and gangsta mommy style I inquired about the school party invitation situation, and as I thought boys were not invited and the boy who did get an invitation got it because he snatched it from a little girl. The kicker is the teacher said that all of the girls were not invited only the “pretty” ones. I’ll be calling the school on Monday, there has to be some rules against not including everyone in preschool..I’m just saying and furthermore who is the “pretty” judge

I didn’t nap at all this week…okay, only one day and it was only for an hour

I looked up at least 10 times this week and Lil Mama was eating on a shoe, and she can’t even crawl yet..Oh boy!

Note to self…listen to the oldies or gospel station when Lil Man is in the car…a 5 year old rapping “No Hands” is NO BUENO #dontjudgeme

I am headed to go see comedian Kevin Hart tonight…so excited that fool is hilarious. As soon as I hit publish on this post, picture me walking out the door..

Will post pics tomorrow. Have a good night..see you tomorrow!

Lil Man NaBloPoMo Parenting

You are NOT Invited…

A couple of days ago my son mentioned to me that a girl in his class was having a birthday party and that after all of the invitations were passed out he didn’t receive one. I brushed it off thinking that maybe he was mistaken and explained to him that maybe only girls were invited. He politely told me and I quote, “that’s not possible because Terrell got one”, and he specifically stated the party is going down on Saturday at Chuck E. Cheese and that he wanted to go. What’s a mother to do. Without much thought I told him that while he is on break next week I will personally take him to Chuck E.Cheese…and then I started thinking and by that I mean I got a teeeeny bit heated by the situation.

Why am I mad? Well let me first say, my anger is a bit preliminary. I am not really sure that all of the students in the class were invited as I feel that I may be a bit “petty” if I ask the teacher about it, but I think I will, just to make sure he wasn’t looked over accidentally. Next, if the case in fact does prove that certain students were invited and others weren’t I am thinking what type of mother of a preschooler would have a party and not invite the entire class. For my son’s birthday, I brought cupcakes to the school and we did a personal party later with our family friends to avoid having to foot the cost of 45 partying preschoolers. Then, my thought is if indeed the mother didn’t want to invite the entire class why do you send the invitations to be passed out by the teacher.

Am I overreacting. Maybe I am because my poor baby has gotten his feelings hurt, and the Mr. and I had to have the talk with him this evening explaining that he will not always be included in everything and that its fine. But its really not, again I would never do that to a child at this age. Again this is all based on a very bright 5 year old’s observation.

Based on the facts given here, am I overreacting? Would you ask the teacher about it or just let it be?

Giveaway Mompreneur NaBloPoMo WAHM

Meet the Bakestress

About a month ago I mentioned that over a series of posts I would introduce you to the awesome women in my circle who are not only mothers but business owners. All of the ladies I will spotlight in this series are all very dear friends of mine, who over the years have wiped my tears, laughed with me and probably sometime in the past danced and drank with me in the club #dontjudgeme! While I wasn’t blessed with biological sisters, I was gifted these wonderful women that you will meet over time. Without further adieu its time to meet Niya!
Niya and I have been friends for almost 13 years, and through those years we have seen each other dream many things only to start them and never finish. We always shared a kindred sisterhood in our thoughts regarding entrepreneurship, and we have seen each other start many endeavors and never finish them. Seeing Niya bring Candy Cake Company to fruition has been such a blessing and inspiration to me. I love her for the obstacles she’s overcome, for the awesome mother she is and because she is a kick ass friend and is taking me to see Kevin Hart on Friday night (wait on the pics…we don’t get out much)!!
The Bakestress and The Mini Baker

What is a cake truffle pop? A cake truffle pop is a decadent mini dessert that consists of cake mixed with icing that is baked then hand dipped in Belgian chocolate.
What inspired you to create Candy Cake Company?  Entrepreneurship was always on my radar but when my son came, it became an obsession rather than an option. As a new mother, I was looking for an opportunity that would allow me the flexibility to be available to my son. I am also a self professed foodie and I love to cook so, embarking on a business endeavor that involved cooking and or baking was important to me.
In starting your own business what have you found to be the most difficult? Time management. Having to share my time between my son and my business is a constant struggle. I have come to realize that I can only do so much and that if something doesn’t get done at the end of the day its not the end of the world.
How are you making strides to overcome your time management hurdle? I must make a To Do List daily. If I am working on something, I try to finish it before moving on to the next task. I make it a point to carry a notebook that I use to jot down ideas and impromptu things that must be done. Getting these things out of my head and on my paper keeps my head clear and me productive.
How are you able to balance your business and family life being a single mother? Help and support from family and friends has been a huge factor in my success. I am often frustrated at the situation, and the sacrifices that I have to make on a daily basis to make my dreams come true. My mindset at this point is I have to do this for us, not pushing forward isn’t an option.
Where do you see Candy Cake Company in the next five years? I would like for CCC to be a recognizable go to brand amongst the creme de la creme of wedding and event planners within the metropolitan Atlanta area.
Do you wear an apron when you bake? Yes, it has ruffles on it and I also wear a scarf!
Do you listen to music when you bake, if yes what type? Yes, I listen to whatever is on the radio, mostly R&B
Will you teach your son to cook? Most definately, men that cook are the bomb!
One interesting tidbit regarding your baking ritual? When I bake I narrate each step in the process as if I am hosting a television show!
So there you have it. Show my bestie some love, visit her online at and follow her on Twitter @candycakeco.
Candy Cake Company is giving away a dozen cake truffle pops, no worries Candy Cake Company ships within the continental United States. No jumping through hoops. Just leave a comment with the flavor of your choice between Red Velvet, Double Chocolate, Chocolate Mint, Coconut, Key Lime, or Vanilla along with your email address. Contest ends on Friday and winner will be selected via Good Luck!