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Children Family Me Parenting Rant

Family Ties?

I’m a bad relative.

Outside of my husband and children I really truly and honestly feel no familial ties to anyone, other than my aunt, my cousin and her children on my maternal side.


Before you start judging there is history. I never grew up in a tight close knit family. When my mother was living for as long as I could remember it was us, her two sisters and my cousins, then one of my aunts died and you do the math. This is a sad realization because my father has a huge side but I never really got close to them. I point no fingers, but I will say that I was a child and had no control over those things. Since Facebook I have had more contact with my father’s side and they are all open to growing a relationship with me and I’m not trying I just feel like its too late, although I know it isn’t.

Now as an adult I realize in some ways that this has made me cold hearted unintentionally toward family ties, needs, requests, etc. This makes me kind of inwardly sad. I read your posts of how close your families are and I can’t connect in the least bit. Like zilch. How am I going to teach my children something that I don’t know.

I find more loyalty in my friends than family at times, but I think its because I don’t try to give family more of a chance. My inlaws have been okay with me, but there have been things said and done around my mothers passing that makes it very hard for me to forgive and forget but I move on. Yet, I feel that some of them want something from me that I really can’t give. It’s not in me.

I say I will try to call more often, send pictures of the children etc…but it never happens because these things and let’s be honest people are not really priorities in my life. Some have said awful things, thrown major shade and others haven’t been there at the most important times in my life, yet I stand in the gap when they need’s cool. Really.

What can I say. I’ve tried. It’s not working. I move on. I’m fine with it…except I don’t want my children growing up this way. I’m just not sure how to fix it.

How are your dealings with your family? If not so good how do you not pass this on to your children. If you don’t have children how have you overcome these issues or did you just throw up your hands?

This was an (unofficial) stream of consciousness. Is All things Fadra’s linky still open?!!!!

Children Lil Mama Milestones

Co-Sleep = No-Sleep

We semi co-sleep. As in, she starts off in her bed and migrates to ours sometime in the wee hours of the morning. Remember this….

Yeah, so since she has free reign to remove herself from her now toddler bed I welcome her sweet face into our bed when she feels the urge, which is every night.

She is my last baby and I adore feeling her little body nestled under mine as I enjoy my tiny sliver of bed real estate which is usually on the very edge. Her feet in my back or my hair tangled in her hand. I really do. I enjoy these moments because I will never experience them again.

I write this at 4:30 a because she punched me in my face in my sleep and now I’m up. PUNCHED! Yes, my face is hurting. I wanted to cry. I didn’t know what hit me, and to think she never woke up. The sleep place violence is becoming increasingly and increasingly more prevalent and I know I can’t make her stay in her bed so I need some suggestions. My son slept with my mother when she was alive and when she died we didn’t have an issue with him he was old enough to stay in his own bed.

How did you rectify the bed bullying?

Signed Tired, Weary, and Abused

Children Christmas Family Mama's Babies Weekend

Weekend Wrap-Up

Disclaimer: This post has a ton of photos. You’ve been warned.

This was one of those whirlwind weekends. Seems like I ran non stop the entire weekend. I’m hooking up with Bon Bon Rose Girls for Monday Mingle. I wore:



                        Gray Shirt: Sears Sweater: Thrifted Pants: Gap Shoes: Gap

*yes, my ankles are ashy…and?*

Saturday IMG_9658

Blazer: Thrifted Orange Sweater: Thrifted Gray Shirt: Thrifted

Jeans: Marshalls Shoes: Sole Society Scarf: Etsy

Friday kicked off everything with dinner at Tin Lizzy’s with the Atlanta Tastemaker Magazine crew. For those of you new here I am a beauty contributor for the online magazine…Go subscribe. It was great to get together and meet everyone because we mostly operate via email and never get to see one another.


Kelli and I

Kelli, Alisha a.k.a.the Editor and the cold..waiting to eat

Food was great. Can't you tell

  My son had his first basketball game so we got up early to head out to the gym. If you follow me on Twitter you may have caught my tweet that I feel bad for him because this is his first year playing and you can surely tell his lack of skills compared to those who played last year.. He is trying really hard and that’s all I want him to do.

Getting a pep talk from dad.

Got home from the game, checked the Twitter and saw a tweet from one of my favorite fashion bloggers Eboni over at Fashionista Next Door that she was at the outlet not far from my house. Seeing I needed to get some Christmas shopping done, I tweeted back that I would meet her down there. I got a bonus, because she was shopping with another one of of my fashion blog reads Prissy, over at Rush Our Fashion. We hung out for a bit and shopped.

Prissy and I

Eboni & I

 I had to head home to meet my husband so we could head down to the Botanical Gardens to meet two of our favorite families for Garden of Lights. We all had scooped up a Groupon a few weeks ago to take the children to see the lights. The children had a great time. It was a bit chilly but not unbearable. The children had a ball. That’s all that matters.


Botanical Gardens

This was beautiful.

So pretty in real life


Picture does this no justice. This was beautiful

The Group

FAMU..McGuinn Hall...3rd floor..#wedidthat Now we're Mamas

Awww..look at the dads! They rock!


We left there and headed out to Flip for some dinner. This place has the best food..not to mention a Krispy Kreme milkshake. I know this picture is blurry but I just love what a great dad he is.

My husband is all kinds of awesome #thatisall

Sunday I cooked some beef stew in the crockpot and laid around. I got a call from a friend of mine named Niki. She lives in New York and is a hair stylist to the stars. I never get to see her because she is bi coastal so whenever her work leads her here I stop what I’m doing to see her. She was here working with Brandy for a taping of The Game. I didn’t know Brandy was going to be a new addition to the Game *shrugs* She was doing hair so no photo ops.

How was your weekend? Did you see an old friend, or eat out, or have a drink, or go shopping? Was it low key, and relaxing? I’m nosy. I want to know.

Children Parenting

Anatomically Speaking

A few days ago a friend of mine mentioned that her daughter said something about her “pocketbook”. Seeing that it didn’t fit the context of the conversation I had to ask “pocketbook? What did that have to do with a purse?” I was quickly informed that a “pocketbook” is another word for *whispers* a specific lady part.

Huh? Never heard of that term. Then the conversation came up regarding what will I teach Lil Mama to call “it.” Ummmm a vagina. That’s what it is, isn’t it. Coming up I was taught to call it a Poo-Poo. Nope, I don’t like that word either, anything referring to that region that starts with a P gets a thumbs down in MY book.

So I bring this to you my extended family. Have you taught your children to refer to these areas by the correct anatomical names, or do you care to share more funny nicknames. I am confused, I need to know. Is it wrong for a 2 year old to say vagina, cause I’ve heard one say coochie and I didn’t think it was cute at all.

Time to show your age. Who can tell me what movie this line came from:

Boys have a penis and girls have vaginas