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Christmas Holidays Life

I’m Baaaaaack!

Did ya miss me?!

Took a few weeks off to get well, enjoy the holidays and just reflect on my moves for 2014.

Christmas was well. We didn’t go all out for the children, each was given 3 gifts except for the baby. Lil Mama was blessed with 5 gifts, but she’s a baby still so yeah!

We decided moving forward that Christmas would be more about building traditions so Christmas Eve we made cookies



….roasted marshmallows



The baby woke at the crack of dawn. I tried to put her off for a few minutes. That Southern Comfort mixed with Hennessy had me sleeping goooooooood, you hear me? My son got a tablet, my stepdaughter a laptop and Addison got her own baby tablet better known as a Nabi




I’m glad the holidays are over. It always seems like life is suspended and then everything goes back to normal. Now I’m just counting down the days until school is back in session. These folks are driving me crazy over here.

How was your Christmas? Anything spectacular happen? Anybody get engaged? Anybody get a new car?

Life Weekend

Weekend Wrap Up…Sick Mama Edition

Happy Monday,

I hope your weekends were filled with Christmas shopping and all of the pleasantries of the season while I laid in the bed overtaken with the worst cold/flu that I’ve known in at least the past 5 years.

I was/still am very sick.

mothers don't get sick


Black Opal Black Currant
Life Me

What I’m Loving….

I am loving these leopard shoes that I found on the clearance rack at Target last year for $8. Been wearing them so much Mr. has taken to calling me Cheetah girl.

Leopard Shoes