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Lil Man

Lil Man NaBloPoMo Parenting


We have a problem. My son is at that stage where when I tell him to do something there has to be a monetary exchange discussion. No sir.

I’ve spoken on this before regarding a lot of us being able to provide things for our children that we didn’t have and them having a sense of entitlement. Since when do I need to pay you to clean your room, but the part that is rattling my nerves is the shade he throws when I inform him there will be no payment made for things that should be done.

So the Mr. thinks an allowance should be given. Sort of a real life show that when you work you earn money that you need to save…blah, blah, blah. I believe in allowance, I do. But I’m just not sure for what. I don’t think you should be paid for doing chores or doing well in school.

Just being curious, I asked him what would he buy with his allowance…THIS

Except he called it an i Computer

Poor thing. How much work would that entail.

What’s your take. Did you receive an allowance as a child? Do you pay out an allowance? If so, how much and for what?



Lil Man Me NaBloPoMo Parenting

To Bare or Not To Bare

I’ll cut to the chase. I’m a nudist. I don’t like clothes or shoes. Now that I put that out there.

My son is now six and my husband thinks its high time I put some clothes on around the house. Disclaimer: I don’t do it when others are around. Just thought I would put that out there.

I do agree that I need to cover up but I don’t think there is anything wrong with the human body. Yet I would freak out if Lil Mama saw the Mr. bucked naked * that was in my Bernie Mac voice* Not familiar? here you go. FYI there is cursing and profanity in this clip. You have been warned! You can stop it after 0:16 or watch the whole thing for some flash back giggles. I digress.


My mom and aunts walked nude around me so its second nature but I do have to remember that I have a son and it just might not be the best thing. I have started to cover up, but when he streaked across the house while my niece was here I think I may be a day late with this epiphany. I’m just curious. What’s your take on nudity around your child(ren)?

Lil Mama Lil Man

Day Out With Thomas…A Glossy Review

Last month my family and I out ventured out to Cordele, GA which is about 2 hours from me to spend a “Day Out with Thomas“. For those not familiar, Thomas and Friends is a children’s show about trains that talk. My son is a huge fan, normally I don’t pay much attention to what’s going on when its on, so sorry I can’t give you any more specific details outlining the show. I digress.

I mentioned the event was two hours from my house and I got halfway there before realizing I forgot my camera…and not to mention Lil Mama was not feeling well so I was a little out of sorts. However, once we got there to see the look on his face made the trip worthwhile. There was a real train with Thomas at the helm that the children got to ride on. See.


Sorry, you don’t get to see my photog skills but this train was amazingly cute. I think Lil Mama was a bit frightened by it. After the ride was over there was a plethora of other fun activities and crafts for the children to partake in. My son had a ball. We ate, my son got his face painted and if I had my camera I’m sure he would’ve loved to have taken photos with some of the characters. Like this little boy.


My camera phone you ask? In the car…way to far to walk back and get.

This event tours yearly. If it comes anywhere near where you are, I highly recommend you take your kids…and don’t forget your camera. This is an awesome family outing with a little something for everyone. I just really wish I would’ve had my camera. Guess we’ll have to go next year.

Visit the website here for details on the schedule for 2012.

*I was provided 4 tickets to a Day Out with Thomas. Only a $1M could sway my honest other words this was all kinds of awesome. I would never lie to you. I chose to leave out the part about the rude worker, I think she was just having a bad day. *

Have you attended a Day Out with Thomas? Is Thomas a staple in your home? Have you stepped on and cursed one of those little trains around your home?

Fashion Lil Man NaBloPoMo Weekend

Weekend Wrap-Up

This weekend was action packed. Every now and again I have a weekend that is non stop. This was one of them.

Friday I went out with Trina and Niya to a party..details here. After the party Trina and I met up with Eboni the beauty and brains behind the fashion blog Fashionista Next Door. We headed over to J.R. Crickets. We talked and laughed and ate chicken wings and then we looked up and it was 2a.

I’m hooking up with Mom Trends for Monday Mingle. I wore.

IMG_8721Sweater: Thrifted (Goodwill) Belt: Thrifted (Goodwill) Jeans: Ann Taylor Loft/Thrifted(Goodwill)Purse: Thrifted (Goodwill) Boots: Charlotte Russe


Eboni & Trina

Eboni & I

Saturday morning I was SUPPOSED to run a 10K but I didn’t get home until really late and would’ve had to run 6 miles on 2 hours of sleep and some chicken wings and fries..I passed. Later took the children out to a fall festival. Hung out there for a few hours then met my husband to hand over the kids and switch cars and off I went to a pole dancing class with my SIL for her birthday.

Sizing up my competition

You want me to do what?!!!

Just before I was about to go into my Fireman spin..Y'all are not ready

My sexy, pole dancing shoe

Let me say, if you haven’t been. GO! Great exercise, it wasn’t my first time going but I enjoyed it this time just as much as the first. Something about it gets you in touch with your inner sexy. It requires a ton of upper body strength. I am still sore.

After class we headed out to Cheesecake Factory. It is now 11:30 and I am exhausted. Found the energy to eat a D.licious Asian chicken salad and Chocolate Raspberry truffle cheesecake though. I get home around 2.

Get up early Sunday morning to head out to my son’s piano recital. I am so proud of him.

I'm tired.Can't you tell. Lil Mama was on diva mode. Excuse her

Head home, pick up some chicken from Publix, whip up some sides and watched some television…More specifically Real Housewives of Atlanta. Whooooweeeeeee this is going to be a season from the looks of the previews. I know I shouldn’t but I do…and I enjoy it. Makes me enjoy my quiet life and the lack of drama.

Phew..How was your weekend?