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Me Mimi Weekend

Weekend WrapUp–Birthday Edition


I hope everyone had a great weekend. My birthday was on Saturday and surprisingly and I really kept it low key….I’ll just say I was saving the “Turn Up” for next year when I turn 35. If you don’t get the “Turn Up” reference…don’t feel bad, being that I’m 34 I should probably refrain but y’all know me #classyratchet

Friday night, I was in an all around funky mood. You know that mood you get in when nothing is really wrong but you just want to be funky. As I was laying in the bed I had an epiphany that a trip to Target would make me feel better. At 8:30p I got out of the bed, headed out to my local Target and bought a bunch of nothing…wouldn’t you know, an instant pick me up!!


Well the mood lifter was short lived because Saturday I woke up with the same issues…moody and add indecisive because at that point I still wasn’t sure what I would be doing for my birthday. I finally put together a quick dinner with my girls from college at one of my favorite restaurants in the Virginia Highlands area of Atlanta. We had a great dinner at Murphy’s, we drank, ate and laughed hysterically. Reminds me that we need to get together more often.



Kelli and her fancy green tea…


My birthday dinner

A very classy birthday dinner amongst best friends.

I would say it was definitely a turn down from last year!!

My 33rd birthday  II My 33rd birthday

Sunday, I woke up and did a little thrift and grocery shopping prior to taking Addison for an afternoon showing of Charlotte’s Web at the Alliance Theater. It was her first play and she did well up until the last 15 minutes. The play was only an hour but her little attention span is still very fickle.

Addy and I

Alliance Theater Puppets

How was your weekend? Anything exciting?!

Holidays Life Me Milestones

End of Year Pleasantries

I just went back and read my blog posts from this time last year and it literally feels like this year flew by. I mean flew like a G6. Gone like Justin Timberlake.

This year went exceptionally well for me. I never take these things for granted, and in the past when my mind would wander in negative places I would think a good year was simply a setup for a bad one. Thank goodness for growth because I am looking at 2012 as only a small snippet of what is to come in 2013.

Source: Uploaded by user via Mimi on Pinterest

There have been mistakes and mishaps just as there has been good decisions and blessings. I take the good with the bad and I am ready for the new year. Sometime between now and the end of the week I will sit down with some of my old magazines…I mean old cause y’all know how I am about my beloved mailed publications and make me vision board. I have never done one so I am anxious to put those jumblings in my mind onto something visually creative to refer to during the year.

My major goals for the new year are:

To get moved into our new home

Seriously grow my blog

Start a new business ( it is in the workings…I’ll tell you in the new year)

Complete some major dental work that I have been putting off because I’m scared

Live in the moment and enjoy my life…This one trumps every.thang. EVERYTHANG!

I hope your end of the year is going well and your plans are well under the way so that you can hit the ground running. I have been scarce around these parts for the past few weeks and it is likely I will not be around to your blogs or on social media for the remainder of the year…lies.

I just want you to know that I appreciate all of you for stopping by here, interacting with me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For taking out the time to type in comments and show concern and love when its needed. I take none of these things for granted and you all are appreciated. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I will see you guys in the New Year!!

Me Mompreneur

You Have What it Takes

At the end of the year I think it is pretty safe to say that people find themselves in a place of retrospect thinking over the past year. Pondering their failures, rejoicing for their successes and plotting on what’s to come. I am no different and although I can truly say I am proud of the things I accomplished in 2012 there were still some mistakes that I made that came attached to some valuable lessons.

This year I faced my fears and launched my business Divinitee. It was a long time coming and it felt so good to finally succeed and have the support of so many of you and others behind me. On the back end I learned a lot about business, people and myself. I learned that there is much more involved in starting a business than I expected like how you have to protect your business with public liability insurance, how people can gather around you to support your new business and how determined I am to make this work! I know many of you may be pondering starting your own business in the new year so I thought I might share some of the mistakes that I made. This blog is about my life, but I also hope you see it as an uplifting, and useful tool. If I can stop someone from making the same mistakes I’m all for it. Sharing is caring!!

Source: via Mimi on Pinterest

1. Be selective about who you go in business with: Remember my blog post about Separation Anxiety. Without airing all of my dirty laundry, said person was also my business partner. I went into the venture thinking that I was insufficient to run it on my own. I was afraid and I let that fear convince me that I couldn’t succeed on my own when indeed I could have. As a result, my business credit has been ruined and financially my business is bankrupt. I will come back, I don’t know how but I will.

Moral: of the story is believe in yourself. If it’s not absolutely necessary to include someone on the payroll then don’t.

2. Utilize Your Network: To piggyback off #1, some of the things I brought on another person to do I could’ve essentially pulled on and bartered with my network to get those things done without having to answer to another person regarding my vision. If you have surrounded yourself with genuinely helpful people you will find that you have most of what you need. For the things you can’t manage within your network pay a professional to do it. Keep in mind you get what you pay for, sometimes its better to pay someone well up front, rather than having to pay someone to fix another persons mess.

Moral: Before you share your business or get discouraged about not having the money to do something consult your network. You will be surprised.

3. Do a SWOT Analysis of Yourself: For those not familiar SWOT stands for Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. Look deeply at yourself and your capabilities. Although you may feel you don’t have the time to do the Social Media aspect of your business but you are good at it, you need to make the time. My good friend Erika shared with me something that rings true in my head…”Either you have time or you have money.” If you have no money then you need to make the time to do the tedious tasks required to keep your profits in your pocket and allow your business the time and space to grow.

Moral: Make the sacrifices. That may mean no sleep. I’ve heard toothpicks will hold your eyelids open very well at work!! The sacrifices are nothing compared to the joy of success.

4. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: Starting a business requires so many minute details and processes on the back end from business licensing to business card design. Don’t let those small things stop you from working toward the bigger goal. I am the kind of person that feels like everything has to go in order and when I don’t have the money or the resources to make one thing happen I let it halt the entire process. Don’t be like ya girl. Still get clients, keep making your product, keep working under the table while you’re getting those other things in place. Otherwise the small things will discourage you from your ultimate goal.

Moral: Keep moving and if you have to FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT!!!!

5. Have Fun: Starting and running a business can quickly turn your passion into a headache. Keep in mind why you are doing what you are doing and if at any point you feel unfulfilled reassess whether or not you really want to continue. At this time I am no longer passionate about Divinitee. I don’t know if it’s the situation or if I choose not to run a business that requires so many moving parts. I am not throwing in the towel yet but I am reassessing. In the meantime I will leave the website up while I figure out my next steps and processes.

Moral: Sometimes we think we want things until we get in the throes of it. It’s okay to fold but think about why you are throwing in the towel. If its fear keep going, if it’s lack of passion take a minute to think before making a huge move.

Are you pondering starting a business in the new year? Are you a business owner, do you have any additional tips to add?


Life Me


It happens to the best of us.

We hear or see spectacular things happening in the lives of others and before we know it we’ve swerved out of our lane, craning our necks to see what’s going on in theirs.

I keep it real here, so its nothing but pure honesty that I come here and say that I have been swerving a bit more for my liking these past few weeks. Questioning why things are happening for some people and not for me, envisioning myself in someone else’s shoes. I hate to call it envy but sometimes you literally have to tell the truth and shame the devil. *slaps the table and in my Iyanla voice yells, “Call a thing a thing.”*

Source: Uploaded by user via L on Pinterest


See, the thing is as emotional humans it is virtually impossible to at times not envision yourself in someone else’s shoes, or find yourself possibly trying to alter your path to hopefully get the same end result as another person. We may deep down inside know and believe that God has a specific plan detailed with our name on it but in that minute when you got that call and that person needed you to be happy for them and you instead had to swallow that gulp in your throat and wonder why not me……Don’t act. You know what I’m talking about.

The beauty of living is that we can wallow in those feeling for a short time before coming back to our senses and allow ourselves to reflect on past life lessons that have taught us that everything that glitters “ain’t” gold and that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Getting to this place takes dedication and a desire to live YOUR best life.

Just like when driving a car, when we get distracted from the task at hand which is driving to our destination we can easily find ourselves drifting off into someone else’s space. It is that quick reflex that causes us to react on the road that we also need to implement in our lives. The sad thing is some people don’t know to go back in their lane they just “Debo” their way into a space that was not meant for them. Not sure what “Debo” means, reference the movie Friday. Still not familiar? Maybe check the urban dictionary?

I’m back in my lane now, I was even polite and turned on my blinker cause forget swervin’, I was all in their lane!!

The truth shall set you free. Are you guilty of swerving?