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Family Weekend

Weekend Shenanigans

This weekend was kind of busy. After spending an ungodly amount of time indoors due to illness and the weather I was happy to be out and about this weekend.

We kicked off the weekend with a little family time at the bowling alley


Fun Bowl

Fun Bowl

We had some pizza and had a good time with a little family competition


Fun bowl

I lost.

Saturday morning AKA duty called and I headed out to a forum we had regarding Human Trafficking. I think my mouth was open the whole time listening to the statistics. I signed up to volunteer with an agency in the Atlanta area that is working to help girls who want to escape that life. I am going to do a post regarding this issue. Our poor children are getting caught in terrible lives that they don’t have to live. I feel its our duty to help where we can. More to come on that.


Saturday evening I had dinner at Tin Lizzy’s with Bunnie. I love Bunnie, she is just I don’t know. I can’t put my finger on it but she rocks….One time for that margarita and queso that I’ve been craving for months, they were just as good as I needed them to be.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

 Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Sunday I went grocery shopping. I am the worse grocery shopper ever. For the past few months my husband has been doing the shopping but because we are down to one car and I had chapter meeting I got up early and took care of my least favorite task.

Shortly after getting all of the groceries in place and cleaning out the refrigerator I was back out the door to chapter meeting. Came home to him cooking dinner. *body rolls* I was in peace and quiet when the Shameless premiere came on.

There. That’s my weekend.

How was yours? Did you grocery shop, clean, sew, read? Do you watch Shameless? Is your week  planned out?

Décor Weekend

Weekend Shenanigans

The first weekend in this neck of the woods was uneventful.

My stepdaughter spent Christmas with us. Unfortunately it was time for her to go home, so on Saturday we all piled in the car and took the 4 hour drive to Tallahassee.

They all slept the entire way…..I’m not included in they. I only slept for an hour each way

sleepy babies

Outside of the trip to Tallahassee I finally rolled my sleeves up and got to work on finishing the Laundry Room . It only took me 5 months to start. Nevermind what I said here. I’ll do a full in depth before and after of the space later in the week.

Laundry B&A


Some decor that will go in the space

…and I baked an apple pie



How was your weekend? It’s freezing here in Atlanta. How is the weather in your neck of the woods?

Life Weekend

Weekend Wrap Up…Sick Mama Edition

Happy Monday,

I hope your weekends were filled with Christmas shopping and all of the pleasantries of the season while I laid in the bed overtaken with the worst cold/flu that I’ve known in at least the past 5 years.

I was/still am very sick.

mothers don't get sick


NaBloPoMo Uncategorized Weekend

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend was busy for sure.

Started off Saturday serving with my Sorors at the Atlanta Community Food Bank sorting can goods to be distributed to needy families within Atlanta. Our efforts help feed nearly 15,000 people. What a great way to start off a Saturday.