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Lil Man

Family Hair Lil Mama Lil Man Week in the Life Of

A Week in the Life Of….

This will more than likely become a weekly feature where I outline all of the normal, crazy and just down right foolishness that I may encounter during the week. Please note: MY week runs from Sunday to Thursday. On Fridays I do nothing…other than change diapers, and pick up from school. With that being said….    

Last weekend we travelled to Tallahassee for my stepdaughter’s birthday party. Glad to say everything went well. Who said blended families can’t work out…although at times our “situation” seems more like a pureed family. Geesh, there has to be a cut off..I’ll give deets sometime next week.    

I got a mani, pedi AND my eyebrows waxed..that’s EPIC    

My son’s teacher sent home a note stating that the children MUST address their valentines. I’m thinking she didn’t give thought to the fact that preschoolers write very slow and and with 20 envelopes to address that could become a day long task. We’re starting on Saturday, we should be done by Thursday.    

Tuesday, I straight up needed a do over. But that’s not how it works. What I don’t do is wallow in pity…and that’s all I’mma say about that.    

Wednesday, I received a PSP from Klout. Woot Woot, I got Klout!  I’m moving up in the blogging world.  

After practicing piano everyday last week with my son ( something that I NEVER do) he got to lessons today and played like he had never seen the music before. *sigh* Not to mention she gave him his recital music. OMG..I think I am going to have to take lessons just to practice that piece of Mozart with him.    

Addison : Sleep :: Oil : Water….testing your SAT skills! In a nutshell Addison is back to not sleeping. She is teething again.    

Adrian has somehow managed to put a hole in FIVE pair of jeans..FIVE. Some of the jeans have holes in both knees. I hate to send him to school with holey jeans but we dont’ have it like that. Headed to Walmart this weekend for some knee patches.    



I have an astronomical amount of hair and getting it done professionally is at least $80..nope, no funds for that so I have tried many products that didn’t work but I came across Shea Moisture’s Curl Enhancing Smoothie. OMG, this stuff worked wonders on my hair. I picked it up from Target for $9.99 and I am hooked. All of the below pics were taken after my hair has been like this for a week…be forewarned the Mr. and I were being playing photog and model, nevermind us!    

twisted nightly



                                                                      I take down the twists and VOILA    




Say hey to Lil Man..he wanted to get in on the fun!


How has your week treated you?!!

Lil Mama Lil Man Me My Babies


Yeah, the title is probably a little extra considering  only 4-6 inches of snow fell over the Atlanta area on Sunday evening. However, being in a place that is ill equipped for this type of weather you would think the world was coming to an end. I went to the store and was lucky to get my hands on a loaf of bread. In true Me fashion, I went to the store yet again without a list, spent an hour in the store to get home and realize I had a plethora of snacks and juice and NO meat. Genious, I sure hope we can get out tomorrow or grilled cheese sandwhiches is on the menu for dinner.

We managed to keep cabin fever at bay today by taking a long afternoon nap, playing games and taking a trip outdoors. School is also out tomorrow so I’m not sure how long our track record will last, but I am optimistic! The ice is so bad that the predictions are it will be Thursday before the temperature reaches above freezing, so it looks like we have a few more days hanging out in the crib. One thing I don’t believe in is slipping and sliding. The Milf mobile is almost paid for, no mishaps needed whatsoever!

Here are a few pictures from our trip outside. Check Lil Mama’s face. I don’t think she was feeling it!

Me and my babies

My Babies



How was your weekend?

Lil Man Parenting

Quiet as a Church Mouse

…children are to be seen and not heard. Can I get a virtual show of hands from those who were raised with that mantra. Let me do one better, remember going to visit the nice lady’s house and before you got there your mother told you not to accept anything and the lady insists on cutting you a piece of pie, you get the *side eye* from your mom but head to the kitchen hand in hand with the nice lady anyway. Yeah, those were the days.

So my son, has started talking back…at five. Must.get.the.last.word. So much to the point that we are having to devise a strategy. I do believe in discipline but not for everything #newagemama.  When I was a child, I was very opinionated and outspoken but my mother shut that spirit in me down every chance she got. She was old school, she laid down the law and it was so. As a teenager, screaming back and forth was the name of the game. I was disobedient, and retaliated to her not listening by doing exactly what she told me not to do.  There was never a discussion only screaming matches that fell on deaf ears for both her and I. As far back as I can remember I always felt like she never listened to me, until I became an adult and then still not so much.

Some believe children should only do as they are told, and truly don’t have a voice. Well maybe its the rebel in me rearing its ugly head again, but whenever I raise my voice at him, its almost like I hear my mother yelling at me, and I don’t like it. I have been thinking, and will discuss it with the Mr. maybe instead of silencing his need to be heard, we will create an enviroment conducive to him getting his point across and then as civilized parents and not screaming people we will attempt to explain the logic in what we are telling him to do. Maybe if he understood why he needs to go to bed early, or why its not cool to push the baby’s swing as high as it can go with her in it (true story) he will refrain from naughty activities and think before he acts.

Scarlett Mommy & Belly 4_25_10-105
Yes, he has quite the personality and the mouth to back it up

No, I’m not joking, I’m for real. Are you implementing a “new fangled” approach to discipline or are you keeping it “old school”. Have you dealt with this? I’m interested in hearing your method. We don’t judge around these parts..the mic is open!

Lil Man NaBloPoMo Parenting

You are NOT Invited…

A couple of days ago my son mentioned to me that a girl in his class was having a birthday party and that after all of the invitations were passed out he didn’t receive one. I brushed it off thinking that maybe he was mistaken and explained to him that maybe only girls were invited. He politely told me and I quote, “that’s not possible because Terrell got one”, and he specifically stated the party is going down on Saturday at Chuck E. Cheese and that he wanted to go. What’s a mother to do. Without much thought I told him that while he is on break next week I will personally take him to Chuck E.Cheese…and then I started thinking and by that I mean I got a teeeeny bit heated by the situation.

Why am I mad? Well let me first say, my anger is a bit preliminary. I am not really sure that all of the students in the class were invited as I feel that I may be a bit “petty” if I ask the teacher about it, but I think I will, just to make sure he wasn’t looked over accidentally. Next, if the case in fact does prove that certain students were invited and others weren’t I am thinking what type of mother of a preschooler would have a party and not invite the entire class. For my son’s birthday, I brought cupcakes to the school and we did a personal party later with our family friends to avoid having to foot the cost of 45 partying preschoolers. Then, my thought is if indeed the mother didn’t want to invite the entire class why do you send the invitations to be passed out by the teacher.

Am I overreacting. Maybe I am because my poor baby has gotten his feelings hurt, and the Mr. and I had to have the talk with him this evening explaining that he will not always be included in everything and that its fine. But its really not, again I would never do that to a child at this age. Again this is all based on a very bright 5 year old’s observation.

Based on the facts given here, am I overreacting? Would you ask the teacher about it or just let it be?